Sunday, February 17, 2008

Talk to yourself more

As crazy as it sounds, I think we all should talk to ourselves. For those who have not, pls. do and those who did pls. talk more. Everyone have split personalities. Maybe just 1, or maybe more ;) But like it or not, they are the true you.

But pls. talk to yourselves honestly, not point bluffing yourselves right? LOL. This is not crazy. No no no. I always get lots of answers from talking to myself. If you got an angry friend inside you, ask him why and what he wants. Reach an agreeable point and he will calm down. If you got a very sad friend lurking in the corner, invite him over and talk. Ask him of his sorrows, listen to him and see if you can do anything to help. Sometimes just listening and talk to him will do a great deal of help.

You see, a lot of ppl do not know themselves well, even though they said they know. Some of them even pretend or bluff themselves. Well, they might be the richest guy in the world or the most successful guy on earth, but if they do not know themselves, there will be always a feeling of an empty gap inside them. Maybe not, they are too rich to be talking to themselves or feeling empty!! .... oh man. I wish I am that rich.

Just talk to yourselves more if you have time ok? LOL. And beware of some of the inner you(s). They are very negative. If you can tame them, you are the man. If you can't, pls. at least ignore them cos they will normally rob you off, cheat on you, lie to you and eventually take command. By then, pls. don't look for me!! :D I am just a crazy man. See? I talk to myselves!!

I even developed a habit of talking to the 'imaginary' people around me. First I capture their way of thinking things. Understand how they think and their character, then I copied their image to my brain and create a duplicate of them and start asking them questions. For me, this is pretty accurate and most of the time I can predict their actions before they answer. Works like magic :D Try not to be naughty once you master this ok? Ok, its about time for me to leave. I need to to talk and think like the toto drawing machine again. Oi, Don't blame me leh.... 10MIL leh!!! With it, there is no time or ever the need to talk to myselves anymore!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *chokes