Friday, January 18, 2008

Selfish Is Me

After a long deep series of thinking, I decided to brand myself as an extremely selfish guy. At least I admit. I found out that everything that I do/did, end up with 'I, Me and Myself'. Some example,

I want to be a good person.
Cos I wanted everybody to respect me. I wanted to fulfill my fantasy as a hero. I wanted people to love me, look up to me. I wanted people to envy me.

I want to help people. I want to save animals.
Cos I want to ease the pain in my heart. If that 'pain' does not exist in the first place, I do not think I will move a finger.

I do something good and sacrifice myself without telling people.
I wanted to act cool. Like those hero in the shows. Waaaa, so cool....

See? All things around me that I thought I am doing for everyone else ends up with ME. Strange but true. Most of us just didn't realize or doesn't admit. Beneath those flowery words and noble decoration, its the ugly word, 'Selfish'. So, in the end, I am just emjoying myself. I aint mr good guy after all. :D